Frontman Magazine Celebrates 10 Years on Stage
Frontman, our partner music magazine for active musicians, celebrates its 10th birthday! On this occasion, the legendary Duo Modřanka of Matěj Belko and Petr Štastný (#kumšt) will rise from the ashes. The greatest hits of the guest frontmen and frontwomen will once again be subjected to the ruthless arrangements of deadly keyboards.
And what else can you expect at the party? The talented Anna Vaverkova, one of the most promising stars of (not only) the Czech electropop scene, will introduce her new album Pozdravy z polepšovny, which has received nominations for the Anděl, Vinyla and Apollo awards. Another Czech rising star, Adam Krofian and The Atavists will unleash an hour-long guitar whirlwind. They are nominated for the Anděl Award in the rock category for their new album Prettier Than You.
The evening will open with a live version of the podcast Na kafe s Davidem Pomahačem (Coffee with David Pomahač). The following well-known singers from the Czech music scene will perform as guests of Duo Modřanka: Robert Nebřenský, Anna K, Dominika Hašková, Adam Krofian, Aiko and Tonya Graves.
The celebration is organized with the support of Fender. Tickets are available on the Jazz Dock website.
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