Rob Chapman's "Liquid" Legato Technique
"There is a technique to allow you to get the most from every note that you play and let them turn into melody," explains the founder of Chapman Guitars in the accompanying video. "This is the trick and I stole it from country guitar players who have a bit of a technical edge. When you play a note, all of the strings resonate with it. It creates a sound you probably don't want."
"If you have the ability to mute the unwanted crap from your playing, you’ll get a sound so much nicer, so much cleaner and sweeter," adds the British guitarist and YouTuber. "It's about using not just the pick, but also the hand you're plucking with – with country players, it's often the case that their fingers touch strings they're not playing. This gives you an edge," Rob reveals, demonstrating on the recording how to mute the strings you're not using in that part of your guitar play.
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