TOP 5 Questions That Will Please Any Musician
Musicians are rather particular – if that is the right word. They can give it away on stage, play an incredible gig and produce an unforgettable show, but once they get off the stage expect the unexpected. What looked like a party time at first sight could have been a hell of a ride for the performers. Maybe the sound in their monitors was bad, the type of microphone didn't suit them, it was too hot (like these days), the stage was uncomfortably lit or some heckling dodo in the audience threw them off. Not everything always comes together perfectly. But after a pleasant conversation suddenly everything can change. Today, let's take a look at the TOP 5 questions that will please any musician.
1. What got you into music?
This question can, of course, have different variations, such as "What do you enjoy most about playing music?" or "What inspired you to start playing and making music in the first place?" It's about going back to your roots and remembering the beginning of your musical journey. Every musician has a different story. Someone might have grown up in a family where both parents were musicians and they naturally guided and inspired them. Others had to walk up their own path, often over many obstacles.
Some musicians have been playing the violin since the age of four, but many started in their teens when they picked up a guitar or bass or sat behind the drums after listening to records by their favourite bands. In all cases, these are great memories that every musician loves to revisit, and they're sure to add a funny story on top.
2. If you had an unlimited budget, what gear would you get?
This is a favourite version of talking about instruments, boxes, amps, cables, strings and all sorts of things musicians need to use in their profession. While I know a few musicians who flee when they hear the first mention of the most appropriate type of pick or novelties in the world of digital simulations, I dare say that otherwise most of us are happy to discuss everything about "gear" in depth.
We just love our instruments and enjoy dealing with the sometimes completely absurd details. However, it's not bad to share tweaks and tricks on how to sound a little better, carry fewer kilos of gear on stage and have fewer technical problems when using and plugging in all that "stuff".
3. What was your most powerful concert experience?
By asking that, you passed the ball, which always works. Musicians play hundreds, thousands of gigs in different parts of the country or even the world. I have a few memorable experiences that I passionately talk about and can repeat a hundred times if someone asks me. Who would keep to themselves the story of the broken B string (that is the thickest string on a five-string bass) in front of a full house, when I was in such a high state that I was able to not only pull the string promptly out of the instrument (literally) but also finish the song in a different position and enjoy the admiring roar of the enthusiastic audience. A brilliant moment, an experience of a lifetime and a story I never tire of telling.
4. Which musician would you like to play or collaborate with?
This is where you give the person in question the opportunity to daydream and imagine sharing the stage with their idol or recording a new single with an artist that is currently trending. Older people will probably mention someone from their past and younger folks will say a name you may have never heard of but is breaking records on Spotify for the number of plays.
But in both cases, you have great ammunition for a lively conversation, a chance to seamlessly follow up on potential role models and inspirational artists, moving on to talk about the latest in music, trends, or what you're listening to in the car right now. The thing is, this is a question that really any musician would love to answer because there's always someone to look up to who is an inspirational figure or band on the scene or a legend of the past who has influenced you.
5. Can you describe your creative process? How do you come up with a new song, groove, melody or lyrics?
Here again, this is a bull’s eye, as the creative process is a sacred matter for every musician. As with the "gear" question, exceptionally someone doesn't want to share their secrets or simply doesn't want to describe in words what can only be expressed through music. But otherwise, I think the vast majority of musicians are very happy to talk about how they create music, where they find inspiration or what the lyrics are about.
It's also an opportunity to talk about a new single or an upcoming record that musicians need to start promoting, so you kill two birds with one stone. If you're talking to a musician who is virtuosic with their instrument, slightly modify the question to describe their practice routine, tips for other musicians and finding motivation for that daily grind.
And what inspirational question would you like to get from others in your life as a musician? Let us know in the comments!
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