The 10 Weirdest Band Names
Do you feel like your band has a strange name that only you understand? Or are you just looking for a new band name? The band names in the following list could definitely inspire you. Or is it better to have a normal and memorable name after all?
1. The Power of Darkness Shall Rain Blood Upon This City for 500 Years
American trio in the realm of hardcore, but with a distinct Hammond sound, formed in 1999. They released only one EP under their extra-long name, after which the name was shortened to the more modest Powers of Darkness.
2. Congratulations on Your Decision To Become a Pilot
The foursome of musicians hiding under this name focused on post-rock and got together in the USA in 1999. Despite the short lifespan of this group, which only lasted until 2002, they managed to release two full-length albums and some of their songs regularly appear on compilations in various genres.
3. Wreck Small Speakers on Expensive Stereos
This synth-pop and indie rock band was formed in 1980 in New Zealand. By the time they broke up in 1986, they had released two albums, two EPs, and appeared on several compilations.
4. Flowers From The Man Who Shot Your Cousin
The French folk musician Morgan Caris, who hides behind this name, recorded his debut album Hapless in 2006 with the help of several guests. His self-described style is folk noir, and these are mainly very unusual, intimate songs, full of musical and lyrical twists and surprises.
5. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
Indie pop band from the USA, formed in 1999 and still active today. They have seven full-length albums to their name and have also appeared on several compilations dedicated to the genre. The band is highly respected in its genre and as a crowning achievement, they performed a memorable concert in Moscow in 2007, just three months after the death of Boris Yeltsin, whom they wove into their name.
6. The First Person to See an Elephant
USA folk rock singer-songwriter Doug Keith released two full-length solo albums under this moniker. The album Tout Est Faktis won numerous awards on the indie scene and the opening eighteen-minute track "We Are the Countries" is particularly noteworthy.
7. Suburban Kids with Biblical Names
This Swedish indie pop duo formed in 2003 and released two of their songs on the internet the following year, where they received a very warm reception. After being interviewed in Sonic magazine, the band was offered a record deal and after two EPs, their debut album—the prosaically titled #3—was finally released in 2005. The song "Rent a Wreck" was also featured in an ice cream commercial for a time.
8. The Strange Death of Liberal England
This British band, named after George Dangerfield's 1935 book with the same title, straddles the genres of folk, rock, and indie. Formed in 2005, they were initially often referred to as the new Pixies. On their debut mini-album Forward March! however, the band did shift the stylistic gears a bit, which stripped them of the aforementioned label. The album received many awards and was praised in all superlatives. The band's first full-length album, 2010's Drown Your Heart Again, received the same warm reception.
9. The Accident That Led Me to the World
American trio dedicated to acoustic folk music with country and world music influences, formed in 2005. To date, they have released two excellent albums, The Accident That Led Me to the World and The Island Gospel. The debut album in particular is very intimate, more or less conceptual, and tells the compelling story of a boy who voluntarily sails to a lonely island.
10. Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis
Perhaps the most bizarre name on our list, a combination of several medical terms and diseases, was chosen by a Mexican deathgrind band in 1999. To date, this outfit has released six albums, the most interesting of which is a 2010 split called Gastroduodenalulcerfollicularadenoma Fuliminanthepatitishydrocefacialspammyxomatosis. And the nicknames of some of the band members are interesting as well; take Ginecológo Necrolamedor Clitoral or Proctólogo Destructor de Esfínteres, for example. Required listening for all medical students or pathologists.
Do you know any other bands with unusual names? Share them with us in the discussion below.
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