Bass Head EBS Reidmar 752
EBS, the Swedish specialist in bass amps, cabinets and effects, has introduced the Reidmar 752, a powerful lightweight amplifier combining an analogue preamp with a D-Class power amp. Providing a massive 750 watts RMS at a 2-ohm load, the power amp ensures the player the can master any gig with different types of cabinets, while maintaining a transparent sound with superior dynamics. Compared to the previous 750 version, the new version is 13 per cent smaller and weighs just 3.8 kg, according to the manufacturer.
Soft Clip technology developed by EBS protects the amplifier from overload while maintaining a tight and punchy projection of the lowest frequency bands even at higher volumes. Controls consist of gain, volume and four-band active correction potentiometers (bass +-18 dB/60 Hz, treble +-18 dB/6 kHz, bright +-15 dB/10 kHz) with semi-parametric mids with +-12/15 dB lift and a range of 100 Hz to 6 kHz.
The preamp also features a Drive (+34 db) for distorted sound and an integrated compressor to limit dynamic peaks. The equaliser can be switched off using the Filter Active button and the resulting sound can be further adjusted using the Character voicing module based on high/low pass filtering (+7 dB / 40 Hz, -2 dB / 800 Hz, +3 dB / 10 kHz) located in the input section.
Zadní strana šasi je kromě síťového spínače, ventilátoru a výstupního Speakonu (750 W / 2 ohmy, 450 W / 4 ohmy, 230 W / 8 ohmů) vyhrazena linkovému XLR konektoru s tlačítky uzemnění a Pre/Post EQ, minijackovému Aux In, sluchátkové zdířce, jackovému link outu, sendu / returnu efektové smyčky a dvojici vstupů pro footswitche obsluhující funkce Character, Filter Active, Drive a Mute.
The professional bass amplifier EBS Reidmar 752 with dimensions 36.3 x 26.2 x 7.6 cm and switchable power supply 120/230 V is available for 745 euros. You can also buy the company's footswitch EBS RM-4 with a fixed cable terminated with a pair of stereo jacks for about 90 euros.
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