Compete for Hohner Harmonicas and Books by Matěj Ptaszek!
The first weekend in November will be filled with the sounds of harmonicas—the World Harmonica Festival will take place on 5 and 6 November 2021, although this year unfortunately only in an online environment. For this occasion, we are announcing a competition to win one of three HOHNER Skipper C-major harmonicas or one of three Harmonica Made Easy for Kids books by Matěj Ptaszek. All you need to do is answer one simple question correctly.
The Hohner Skipper diatonic harmonica from the MS series comes with the theme of seas, harbors, and ships sailing to distant destinations. So it's no wonder that it attracts boating enthusiasts, watermen, sailors and those who like to go on adventures in the summer—whether in real life or just in your imagination. Harmonica Made Easy for Kids by Matěj Ptaszek is a textbook on the diatonic harmonica for children from 6 to 100 years old. With the help of this book and its playful approach, you will learn not only how to hold the harmonica correctly and how to work with your breath (diaphragmatic breathing), but also how to play more than thirty beautiful folk songs and Christmas carols.
How to win a Hohner Skipper C-major harmonica or a Harmonica Made Easy for Kids book?
Just answer one question correctly and on time: In which city does the World Harmonica Festival traditionally take place?
The correct answers should be sent by Sunday 31 October 2021 to info@insounder.org, with "Hohner competition" in the subject line. Three lucky winners will receive a free Hohner Skipper C-major harmonica, the other three a Harmonica Made Easy for Kids book.
EDIT: Winners
Yes, the correct answer is Trossingen. HOHNER Skipper C-major winners: Jindřiška Mazáčová, Honza Polášek and Veronika Valdová. Winners of the book Harmonica made easy for kids: Ivana Křenová, Josef Litvan and Pavel Verner. Congratulations!
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