Guitar Effects Guide #3: Transparent Overdrive
Frankly, I have to say I was wondering whether or not to include the following category in this series at all, knowing that it could spark a debate about what is an overdrive and what is a regular booster, and whether or not there is any difference between the two. But since there don't seem to be as many half-truths (often fed by the manufacturers themselves) about any other kind of effects, and since this is such an incredibly popular category, I figured, okay, I'll include it here.
First of all, let's clarify what transparent overdrive means. It's an overdrive that has what's called a "flat response", meaning it doesn't emphasise any frequency. Simply put, your device shouldn't have more treble, mids or bass when you press down – it should sound the same and just... more distorted. So once and for all: the Tube Screamer is not and never has been a transparent overdrive!
Earthquaker Devices Westwood
Earthquaker Devices have grown into a highly respected manufacturer in a relatively short time – and rightly so. Many of their effects have become true classics. But it was only a few years ago that they launched an effect that had been missing from their portfolio. The Westwood is a transparent overdrive with active corrections for bass and treble, so you can use it as a transparent booster/overdrive, as a treble booster to brighten up a darker amp, or you can turn it into an overdrive similar to the Clone or Tube Screamer, where it can highlight the upper or lower mids depending on your needs to make sure you get through the band's mix. Add the fact that, as a boutique effect made in the US, you get it for a pretty nice price, and you have one of the most versatile overdrive effects on the market. In fact, we'll return to Akron, Ohio, in the very next paragraph.
Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker
The Special Cranker is based on a simple circuit of an old Electra transistor overdrive/distortion that has earned a considerable reputation among effects enthusiasts. Some have compared its sound to that of Fuzz Face with the volume potentiometer on a guitar turned down – that means that while it's a long way from the classic fuzz, there are some sonic similarities.
Special Cranker can also function as a completely transparent booster. Plus, you have the choice between two modes: Germanium if you want a darker vintage tone, and Silicone for a brighter, more modern and punchy sound. If you turn the knob marked "More" up to the max, you'll get (especially in Germanium mode) something between fuzz and a properly cranked tweed amp. Moreover, the price tag is set really low in this case.
JHS Morning Glory
An effect that shortly after its birth became an almost immortal classic and one of the best-selling effects of this small company from Kansas City. To be honest, for a while I didn't know whether to list it here, because more than a transparent overdrive it's just an amp in a box, or in this case a Marshall Bluesbreaker-based distortion. But in the end, I'm including Morning Glory because it ticks the definition of transparent distortion to a tee. When you plug in an external footswitch, you also get a second "high gain" mode.
MXR Timmy
MXR has come out and released their version of the Timmy transparent overdrive effect under the MXR Custom Shop label. The company got some extra help from the man behind the now legendary original Tim – Paul Cochrane. For those who don't know, I recommend this older article on Insounder.org. At a time when the prices of the original Tim and its smaller brother Timmy are still rising, this is a great way to try out the sound for which these effects are so highly praised.
Boss BD-2W Blues Driver
The last in the sequence is another classic, although quite neglected and unappreciated. A lot of guitarists, in their search for "the most transparent distortion", often forget to look at an effects pedal that's sitting in virtually every music store – and at a fraction of the price of all those boutique beauties. In addition, Boss released a refined version a few years ago as part of the Waza Craft series – with a choice between the original version and a custom version that offers even tighter distortion, especially in the midrange.
To conclude, I would add that the term transparent overdrive is one of the most searched entries on the internet in regards to guitar effects. The term itself is very abstract. Perhaps no other category provides such a surplus of great more-or-less transparent effects that differ in either the circuitry or the components, so take this selection as a mere sample.
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