Infinite Tone by TCE Infinite Sample Sustainer
Infinite Sample Sustainer is TC Electronic's first pedal of its kind, the name of which suggests that it is an effect capable of holding a sound in time and extending it in an infinite cycle. In addition to the infinite sustain, the stompbox also offers layering of individual notes or chords to create harmonies, modulation sections and a high-quality reverb built on the algorithm used in TCE's famous Hall of Fame pedal. The Infinite thus opens up a new creative space not only for sound experimenters.
Other important features include compatibility with TonePrint, and the ability to store up to three TP presets in the pedal slots. Of course, users can also save new sounds to the online library via the software, exchange their own samples, etc.
The main panel has potentiometers Decay – the length of the effect layer delay, Level – the total volume, Fade In – the signal ramp rate, and an FX Type rotary switch that selects between four effect modes and the above TonePrint slots. Additionally, there's a Dry/Verb lever switch for activating reverb, accompanied by a status LED and a Latch/Momen switch, determining the operating mode of the footswitch connected to the two-colour diode.
Connectivity consists of a jack input and output, USB port, send/return effects loop and a 9V adapter socket. TC Electronic's Infinite Sample Sustainer, which allows the addition of an unlimited number of interconnecting layers, can be purchased on the European market for a price hovering around 140 euros.
Commenting on the new release, Paul Robert Scott, Product Manager at TCE, said: "Imagine the sounds you could create if you had infinite time on your hands. Well, we can't give you infinite time, unfortunately, but we're very happy to offer endless amounts of sustained layers right at the tips of your toes."
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