Burls Art and an Aquarium Guitar

NEW GEAR 52/24: Jimmy Page EDS-1275, Drive Soldano, Delay Nobels and Synth Orchid

5 Things That Can Baffle an Adult Beginner Musician

(Un)usual Guitar Techniques #10: String Muting

NEW GEAR 51/24: Synyster Gates Headless 7, KLOS Bass, DW Limited Editions and Korg NanoKEY Fold

5 Aspects of Annoying Music

Covered #4: The Beatles – Blackbird

The Guitarist's Survival Guide: Getting Started with Effects Pedals (Part 2)

NEW GEAR 50/24: Gretsch Billy Duffy, Epi Tribute, Dunable bass and HeadRush Flex Prime

4 Songs to Shake Off the Autumn Blues

Music is Not Rocket Science #11: Music Therapy

The Soundtracks of Our Lives #6: Marie Antoinette, The Rhythm of Rebellion

Marilyn Manson Is Still the King of Chaos

NEW GEAR 49/24: Wampler Catacombs, PRS Limited Editions, Blackstar TV-10 B and Brubaker Basses

Nina Kohout: I Know There Is So Much More to Create

5 Underappreciated Professions in the Music Industry

Gibson Issues Cease and Desist over Trump's Presidential Guitars

(Un)usual Guitar Techniques #9: String Harmonics

Wardruna: Touring Europe with Music Rooted in Norse Mythology

NEW GEAR 48/24: Schecter Stargazer, Friedman JEL-50, Aguilar amPlug3 and Korg Multi/poly

Superstrat LTD Horizon Custom '87

5 Places (Not) to Practise a Musical Instrument

Linkin Park Caught Their Second Wind

The Guitarist's Survival Guide: Getting Started with Effects Pedals (Part 1)