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The Cure | Photo: Facundo Gaisler,
The Cure Return with a Cohesive and Atmospherically Dense Record
NEW GEAR 47/24: EVH Star T.O.M., Soldano Preamp, Alesis Kit and Bergantino Cabinet
Active PA Loudspeakers ANNY 8 and ANNY 10 by LD Systems: All-in-One and High-Quality
Huge stages, fame and world tours are the dream of many aspiring musicians who are trying to make it abroad. But what is the reality? | Photo: T.C. Brewster (Unsplash)
5 Reasons Why the Wide World Isn't for Every Musician
All you need is a lot of practice to become a virtuoso – or do you need talent, too? Genetic predisposition plays a much bigger role than popular theories offering instant guides for achieving any goal admit. | Photo: Valentina Bacherer (Unsplash)
Music is Not Rocket Science #10: Absolute Talent
Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) in Pulp Fiction. | Photo: screenshot from the movie
The Soundtracks of Our Lives #5: Pulp Fiction, Music, Action!
The Dead Daises can either be loved or damned for their archaic nature. | Photo: Press
The Dead Daises Are Hard-Rocking Out with Zeal
NEW GEAR 46/24: Jazzmaster Vola, Blackstar head, UAFX Recto and Sabian Stratus cymbals
4 Significant Guitars in Steve Vai's Collection
Few people get excited when your music is presented in a context you didn't choose. | Photo: Unsplash
5 Places You Don’t Want Your Music to be Played
Fender Champion II Digital Combo Trio
Not only is this song one of the most beautiful on the Beatles' 1965 album Rubber Soul, but it's definitely one of their best  | Photo: Roger (Flickr)
Covered #3: The Beatles – Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
Limited Edition Fender Masterbuilt John Frusciante Stratocaster
Rig Rundown: Neck Deep
NEW GEAR 45/24: Fractal VP4, Gretsch Kits, Friedman IR-J, Epi LP TM 1955 and Vola ZVA 5 Bass
The Story of the Rare Gibson LP Standard 1959 "Orphanage Burst"
Music and sport have many things in common. Playing a two-hour concert at full physical capacity is sometimes a feat worthy of an Olympic medal. | Photo: Amin Hasani (Unsplash)
5 Types of Musicians Who Need To Be in Shape
Myles decided to take the rock path compared to his previous acoustic work. | Photo: Alfred Nitsch
Myles Kennedy's Third Solo Album Is Packed With a Hell of Riffs
It’s never been as easy to get a great mix out of your home studio as it is now! I Photo: Creative Commons
The Guitarist's Survival Guide: Home Studio Essentials
The process of creating, learning new playing skills and especially sharing it at rehearsals and then concerts are magical moments that motivate every musician. | Photo: Dan Senior (Unsplash)
Music is Not Rocket Science #9: Two Crucial Mistakes of Starting Musicians
The current Offspring lineup is strong and passionate about the cause. | Photo: Daveed Benito
Offspring Are Still Alive and Thriving
NEW GEAR 44/24: Gibsons LP Mahogany Top, Fuchs ODH head, Quilter V803 and Behringer Grind
The new songs lack the heart and soul that once set Coldplay apart from the rest. | Photo: Raph_PH (
Soulless Pop by Coldplay
Two Signature Fender Buck Owens Models